Hi! I'm Mohamed Niang, machine learning scientist and deep learner. I like to build something with Neural Network's.

I like to learn new things and based on it to write repositories on Github. I'm a big fan of large languages modeling (LLM) and human level vision AI technologies based on Transformers (Attention Network's). I am currently a software engineer at IBM, working on Pure MLOps for Recommender System.


Here are some of my works on Github and my publications on Medium. All these publications focus on data science and artificial intelligence. You'll find topics like programming on Python and other topics like computer vision for autonomous cars, and so on.

The Fundamentals of Python

Computer Vision for Self Driving Cars

Introduction to Tensorflow

Introduction to BigQuery

Human Activity Recognition with ML

APIs & Web Scraping in Python

About Me

I am currently a senior machine learning engineer at IBM. I recently completed my master's degrees in data science at Paris-Saclay University. I am passionate about developing and applying machine learning methods for building algorithms and predictive models using a variety of datasets for solving impactful real world problems. I learn continuously hard on projects regarding machine learning, deep learning and robotics. I am currently interested in the field of Natural Language Processing (Attention Network's, It's All We Need, Transformers), Computer Vision for Self Driving Cars and Reinforcement Learning for Planning and Control.


Here are links to connect to my networks or to contact me.